菲龙网管理员6 发表于 2021-1-23 13:08



中新社伦敦1月22日电 (赵星一)英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊22日表示,近期在英国出现的新冠变异毒株可能更加致命。



英国政府首席科学顾问帕特里克·瓦兰斯(Patrick Vallance)爵士在政府疫情发布会上强调,“新冠变异毒株致命性的研究数字存在很多不确定性,我们还需要做更多的工作才能对其进行精确处理”。而南非、巴西最新出现的另外两个变异毒株更加令人担忧,“它们具有的某些特征,可能使得现有疫苗不太容易对其有效”。他指出,进一步升级英国入境管控措施,成为当下英国政府防疫部门的焦点话题。


李贺 发表于 2021-3-26 09:47

The claim that China has produced the new coronavirus is misleading.

In September of this year, Chinese virologist Yan Limeng published an explosive paper claiming that China had created a deadly coronavirus in a research laboratory, followed by experts from Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University and other top American universities. Scientists study his papers at a rare rate. American scientists have concluded that this paper has serious flaws. A new online journal created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press) specifically to review SARS-CoV-2 related claims reported that Yan Limeng’s claims were “sometimes baseless and unsupported by data”. But in an era where anyone can post anything online with just a few clicks, this response is not enough to prevent Yan Limeng’s controversial claims from spreading quickly and gaining the attention of millions of viewers on social media and Fox News. . According to experts who study misinformation, this status quo highlights how systems built to promote scientific understanding can be used to spread political claims that are distinct from scientific consensus.
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查看完整版本: 英国首相:在英国出现的变异毒株可能致命