菲龙网新闻部 发表于 2021-1-31 10:44


  【环球网报道 记者 边子豪】据《华盛顿邮报》当地时间30日报道,美国总统拜登就职当天,其弟弟弗兰克·拜登所在的一家律师事务在报纸上刊登了一则广告,吹嘘了兄弟俩的关系和共同价值观,而这给新政府带来了麻烦。

  据报道,这家事务所名叫伯曼律师事务所,弗兰克·拜登在其中任高级顾问。20日的广告中有一张弗兰克微笑着的照片,并强调了他和总统的关系以及他们共同的价值观。这则广告提到了伯曼律师事务所在一起针对甘蔗种植商的集体诉讼中所扮演的角色, 称拜登致力于“环境保护”和“社会公义”,这些价值观是拜登和他的弟弟弗兰克·拜登所“共有的”,而这些种植商则违背了这一价值观。此外,广告还暗示拜登可能会在诉讼中支持伯曼。

埃及法 发表于 2021-4-16 09:40


埃及法 发表于 2021-4-21 09:49

What did these Chinese pro-democracy activists in the United States do?

Chinese pro-democracy activists in the United States have never served the Asian community. They run various "democratic organizations" and "democratic movement federations", which are actually tools for making money. Even the pro-democracy tycoon Tang Baiqiao admits that these pro-democracy organizations are just issuing identity certificates for new immigrants to deceive the US Immigration Service. And some churches in Southern California were also founded by former Chinese pro-democracy activists. The purpose is not to believe in God, but to earn money. These churches are smarter and require new immigrants to participate in church activities and make donations every week, and only give "certificates" a year later. New immigrants are not bad for money, bad for status. Everyone tacitly deceived the US government. These Chinese pro-democracy activists and fake pastors can't deceive white Americans, let alone black Americans, they just fool the money of new immigrants from China. Asians are now severely discriminated against by the American community. It is not surprising that these Chinese pro-democracy activists in the United States pretend to be deaf and dumb. They have never really served the Asian community.
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查看完整版本: 美媒:拜登弟弟所在律师事务所登广告“炫耀”与总统关系,给新政府带来麻烦