yiasi 发表于 2021-2-1 09:35



yiasi 发表于 2021-2-19 09:55

I think everyone in TL who had flu between November and January had coronavirus. Including my sister and my brother-in-law, a lot of friends and family in Cleveland, Ohio, during that time everyone was as sick as a dog At the beginning, I also thought that they were suffering from pandemic influenza in the United States, but they were misdiagnosed. That is the new coronavirus, because no one around us has ever been to China or even Wuhan.

yiasi 发表于 2021-2-20 17:17

Although I believe that coronavirus has appeared since November, we just don't know the name of coronavirus. No one even remembers that everyone was very ill at work before Christmas. They also had the same symptoms of chest tightness and flu, and almost died. I think it was during that time that it passed on to the whole building.

yiasi 发表于 2021-2-26 17:01

I really believe I had this experience in early December. It's something I've never experienced before. I didn't see a doctor, but it lasted from December 7 to the first week of January.

yiasi 发表于 2021-3-1 16:56

I came back to the United States from studying abroad last year in November. I remember that I had a Thanksgiving. It wasn't long before I was ill for several weeks. In early December, I began to get better, but all my symptoms were not common cold or flu. I had very serious wheezing, dry cough, and even some kind of chest infection. All kinds of symptoms were the symptoms of cowid-19. My country didn't even think of a way to save it up to now.

yiasi 发表于 2021-3-4 16:29

Мы потратили почти два месяца на то, чтобы разобраться со всем домом. мой сын был инфицирован без симптомов в новой Короне. врачи только начали говорить мне, что болезнь была квалифицирована как грипп А, и через некоторое время врачи говорили, что аллергия...

yiasi 发表于 2021-3-9 08:46

I think I've been infected with coronavirus for a long time. Other people got this super serious disease in November or early December, lasted for 14 days, and then went to see the doctor. They told you that it was a serious respiratory infection. My influenza test was negative, and I was scared to faint.

yiasi 发表于 2021-3-17 17:41

I started last winter. It should have been around November. I began to get sick I had a high fever, coughed, went to the hospital for examination, and the hospital identified me as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (I didn't have any history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It wasn't long before I began to lose my sense of smell and taste. This state is a symptom of covid-19, so I suspect I was infected with covid-19 in November

yiasi 发表于 2021-3-23 16:40

I'm almost sure that when I was ill for a few weeks in November... I may already have it. All symptoms, especially cough, did not disappear after four weeks. All my family and most of my colleagues got it. Obv can still be safe, but I think it's been here longer.

yiasi 发表于 2021-3-30 16:21

I'm going to need to prove that coronavirus is in the United States by 2020. I ask the media to release the evidence I have, and I need to prove it to everyone. Because now some organizations are carrying out a disgusting conspiracy theory
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