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中正学院黄思华副校长 砥砺奋进教育硕果累累


•        薄荷岛大学—人事管理哲学博士学位
    (Doctor of Philosophy degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Bohol)

•        Gawad Maharaja—2021年卓越教学奖、地区杰出教师和全球教师奖
(Gawad Maharaja 2021 for Excellence Award in Teaching, Outstanding Teacher of the Region, and Global Teacher Award)

•        Namaste印度杂志¬—年度国际教育家奖
(Namaste Indian Magazine - International Educator of the Year Award)

•        国际关系虚拟大学领导—菲律滨最杰出教师奖
(Virtual University for International Relations Lead PhilippinesMost Outstanding Teacher)

•        德里公立学校世界和平—全球Imam Hussain和平奖
(Delhi Public School World Peace -The Global Imam Hussain Peace Award)

•        超越图书出版社—全球领导者和教育者创新奖
(Beyond Books Publication Global Leaders and Educators Award for Innovation Category)

•        国际实习大学—国际教育理事会全球教育领袖奖
(International Internship University-International Council for Education Global Edu Leader Award)

•        LEAD—菲律宾至高无上奖
(LEAD Philippines Gawad Supremo)

•        专业进步阶和持续教育中心—最杰出教师奖
(CPACE – Center for Professional Advancement and Continuing Education-Most Outstanding Teacher)

•        Royal Kutai Mulawaran国际和平教育—高尚的和平火炬手奖(Royal Kutai Mulawaran International Peace Education-Noble Torchbearer of Peace)

•        中国国侨办温州大学2021年海外华文教师线上研习班—优秀学员奖
•        Witty Gossip Association—全球赋权奖
(Witty Gossip Association Global Empowerment Award)

•        LEAD—菲律宾扶西黎刹成就奖
(LEAD Philippines Jose Rizal Achievement Award)

•        国际实习大学—菲律宾世界杰出教育国际校长奖
(International Internship University – Philippines World Excellence Award in Education as an Outstanding International Principal)

•        中信慈善基金会/菲律宾华教中心—华语教师专业奖

•        Aloysian出版名人录奖—全球杰出教育领袖奖
(Aloysian Publication Who’s Who Award: Outstanding Global Educational Leader Award)

•        LEAD菲律宾国家英雄日—纪念荣誉证书
(LEAD PhilippinesCommemorative Certificate of Honor for National Heroes Day)

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