RIM 发表于 2014-1-13 10:29



方言札曾經用於琉球(沖繩)的各個學校, 用以懲罰學生「不小心」說了琉球語。

二十世紀初, 日本政府為了強迫同化琉球民族, 方言札開始在學校強制推行, 學生如果說琉球語會被懲罰, 要在脖子上掛上這個木牌, 以示羞辱, 直至放學或另一個學生犯上同樣的「錯誤」!
Forced Assimilation for the people of Ryukyu

A dialect card was a system of punishment used in Ryukyu (Okinawa) schools, designating the student as having “erred” by speaking the Ryukyuan language.

Under the Japanese government of assimilation policies at the start of the 20th century, the card was mandatory adopted by school in Ryukyu. A student who spoke Ryukyuan language would be forced to wear the card for humiliation until the end of the school day or pass it to the new “transgressor”!

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