大猫吃咸鱼 发表于 2017-2-19 17:43

咨询 洪律师餐饮经营方面事宜

洪律师,请问在本地无证经营茶馆, 超市, 饭馆等行业需要办理一些什么手续?如果不办这些手续就经营,是否触犯法律,会有什么处罚措施?

菲华国际顾问 发表于 2017-2-20 15:12


洪律师 发表于 2017-2-23 15:33

Hi, thank you for asking this question. If you continue to operate your grocery and restaurant without the necessary permits, you might be facing the following consequences --

a. closure of the establishment by the City hall for failure to secure Mayor's Permit
b. closure by the Bureau of Internal Revenue or BIR for failure to secure BIR registration
c. closure by the Food and Drugs Administration or FDA for failure to register with the FDA

Apart from monetary fines, administrative and criminal cases could be filed against the owner.

For your kind reference..



a. 因为没有市长许可证而遭市政府封店
b. 因为没有注册BIR而遭厘务局(BIR)封店
c. 因为没有到食物和药物局(FDA)注册而遭FDA封店


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