hpking423 发表于 2017-4-26 18:47

请问在菲 开一个网吧 需要办理一些什么法律文件


小帆帆 发表于 2017-4-27 10:12


hpking423 发表于 2017-4-27 11:44

开店流程 ( 个人)
1 向DTI 申请店名
2 向barangay 拿许可
3 向市政府申请许可
4 向税务分局登记

hpking423 发表于 2017-4-27 11:44

小帆帆 发表于 2017-4-27 10:12


小帆帆 发表于 2017-4-27 11:47

hpking423 发表于 2017-4-27 11:44


小帆帆 发表于 2017-4-27 11:49

hpking423 发表于 2017-4-27 11:44
开店流程 ( 个人)
1 向DTI 申请店名
2 向barangay 拿许可


洪律师 发表于 2017-5-10 13:05

Hi, hiking 423! There is a distinction whether you are trying to register a corporation or a single proprietorship. Since foreign nationals cannot register a single proprietorship under DTI, you are advised to register a corporation. Of course, some readers might say that it is a practice to find a dummy to register a dti permit on your behalf, but I will not discuss such practice.

A corporation has to be registered with the SEC, you need to make sure the Internet cafe is more than 50 meters away from any school or educational institute, then proceed to secure BIR registry and finally, a business permit from the city mayor's office. As to limitations of the internet business, you are prohibited from installing pirated softwares/ games. Pornographic materials or content involving violence, gambling, and pedophilia are also not allowed!


hpking423 你好!首先,你是要注册公司还是独资企业?这是有区别的。由于外国人士不能在工商部(DTI)注册独资企业,因此建议你注册一家公司。当然,有些读者可能会说,可以找个人头代表注册一个工商部的许可证,但我不会谈这样的做法。


hpking423 发表于 2017-5-11 11:16

洪律师 发表于 2017-5-10 13:05
Hi, hiking 423! There is a distinction whether you are trying to register a corporation or a single...

Thank you so much for you answer!

hpking423 发表于 2017-5-11 11:26

洪律师 发表于 2017-5-10 13:05
Hi, hiking 423! There is a distinction whether you are trying to register a corporation or a single...

so i need find a PH partner to register a corporation? is allow to all shareholders ofcorporation are foreigners?
Looking forward to your reply! thank you

洪律师 发表于 2017-5-12 18:17

Yes, you need to find local partners owning 60% of the shares of the corporation to register. Or, you can register 100% all foreign stockholders under the Foreign Investment Act or FIA. However, they require the company to have at least 10 million pesos in authorized capitalization.
To make things easier, there are agents out there who will help you register your company for a small fee! You don't need to bother with these things..
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