Carl-yang 发表于 2017-8-18 10:03

鸡蛋卷 发表于 2017-8-18 09:46

这个只能找人 具体怎么弄你得问问其他人

洪律师 发表于 2017-8-26 20:38

Hi, first of all you must sign a Contract to Sell with the developer in order to be assured that once you are fully paid, you will sign a deed do Sale. Second, you have to make sure that the Property Developer is a reputable company and not a fly by night operator.



鸡蛋卷 发表于 2017-8-27 22:41

洪律师 发表于 2017-8-26 20:38 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi, first of all you must sign a Contract to Sell with the developer in order to be assured that onc ...


洪律师 发表于 2017-9-26 18:04

Hi, you need to involve the property developer. Either the developer directly transfers ownership in your name, or you need to make a double transfer. In the latter case, there will be double taxation.

嗨,你需要让房地产开发商加入。 无论是开发人员直接将所有权转让给您,或是需要进行二次转让。 在书面文档上来说,都将存在双重征税。

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