万能的菲龙网 ,请问下9G工签赔偿问题 ,在公司前几天提交了照片办理9G 还没有通知去按指纹 但现在家里特然有事 要回去 ,然后让公司人事帮忙取消9G 人事说可以取消但是需要赔偿 请问是要赔偿的么 如果这样需要赔偿多少的 , 谢谢 看对方要多少 要多少你都得给 先看办到什么程度了吧 {:4_106:} 这个可以根据你公司和移民局授权公司的协定 The Immigration do not give any refunds, more so if you have already completed the process of fingerprinting and picture taking! Sorry.. 洪律师 发表于 2019-1-7 21:15 static/image/common/back.gifThe Immigration do not give any refunds, more so if you have already completed the process of finger ...
洪律师 发表于 2019-1-7 21:15 static/image/common/back.gif
The Immigration do not give any refunds, more so if you have already completed the process of finger ...
我也有点类似 你赔了多少?