ddarkDMPV7 发表于 2016-3-18 20:19


洪律师你好! 我有一个工人在我这里打工了5年了,我这个工人越来越懒,一星期只来3-4次。然后,我从工人那打听到,他正在等我抄了他,然后他就会去告我,不知现在我能做什么?

菲龙网编辑部 发表于 2016-4-2 13:17

您好,菲龙网合作律师 洪律师 因出国不能及时回复,请见谅。

洪律师 发表于 2016-4-5 19:36

My suggestion is you give him a memo or a warning. At least 3 times. Ask him to explain why he should not be terminated. Then file this with the DOLE.

If he does not shape up, you fire himwith a formal notice on the 4th instance he is late or absent. Should your employee file a claim against you for illegal termination, you can show the NLRC ( labor court ) the files you have deposited with DOLE prior to the employee's termination.

That is the so called due process in law.

如果他并不悔改,你就在已经记录了四次缺席和迟到的情况下,正式通知解雇他。如果你的员工对你进行非法解雇索赔,您可以向劳动法庭 (NLRC)提交在您员工被解雇前交存劳工部(DOLE)的文件。


天天赢钱 发表于 2016-7-30 18:15

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