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本帖最后由 明日之光 于 2014-3-24 23:51 编辑


走进星巴克后,小光试着向服务员点了一杯Apple Juice Orange Blossom(试试看菲律宾服务员是否真的知道隐藏菜单),没想到服务员对我说很抱歉,隐藏菜单我们有,但不知道怎么做,需要你们提供调配法。听到这一句小光基本了解所谓的隐藏菜单其实就是客户要求星巴克按照自己的喜爱自己调配出来的,后来就流行起来了。

但我看到的那篇文章是中文的啊,怎么办?没事,小光有移动网络,经过搜索找到了Apple Juice Orange Blossom的英文版做法,发现原来就是茶叶加在苹果汁里(那是什么味道???),没敢尝试,就马上搜索了另外一种隐藏菜单Zebra Mocha(斑马摩卡),之所以有这个名字是因为他本身是黑摩卡,然后添加了白色巧克力摩卡,黑白相配,所以叫做Zebra!!!哈哈



从单据我们可以看到其实就是一杯普通的mocha,再加一个White Mocha。


    不知道你有没有听说过,星巴克有一个私房菜单。它不在墙上不在网上,知道的人知道,不知道的人也就不知道。当你排着队默数那些你熟悉的咖啡名字的时候,突然听到前面的人迸出一个你听也没听过的“Zebra Mocha”,你是不是也会猛然抬起头,好奇究竟是人家来错了地儿还是自己听错了。
       这事在亚洲可能还没这么风行。但在美国,私房菜单(Secret Menu)众人皆知的秘密。不止星巴克,Subway、Wendy’s、Taco Bell、Chipotle等等餐厅都有它们的秘密菜单,而最出名的,可能当属在美国热翻天、在新加坡5分钟内300个汉堡被抢购一空的In-N-Out。

The Grasshopper Frappuccino 蚱蜢星冰乐

Starbucks Secret Menu: Grasshopper Frappuccino
Mmm, who doesn’t love mint chocolate chip ice cream?
If you do, you have to try the Grasshopper Frappuccino!
Here’s the recipe

  • Mocha Frappuccino
  • Add Java Chips
  • Add Peppermint Syrup (1 pump tall, 2 pumps grande, 3 pumps venti)

Snickers Frappucchino 士力架星冰乐
       试一试这款让你迅速恢复能量的“士力架星冰乐”吧!在JavaChip Frappuccino里面加上一些toffeenut,然后在奶油上浇上焦糖,吃起来完全就像士力架!

Starbucks Secret Menu: Caramel and Nut Chocolate Bar Frappuccino(Snickers Frappucchino)
Hankering for a chocolate Bar? Try a Starbucks Secret Menu, Caramel and Nut Chocolate Bar Frappuccino instead!
It’s sweet, it’s delicious and it’s based after a certain chocolate bar that won’t leave you hungry.
Here’s the recipe:
  • Java Chip Frappuccino
  • Add toffee nut syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 pumps grande, 3 pumps venti)
  • Caramel drizzle in the cup and on top
Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino 香蕉奶油派星冰乐
       在普通的VanillaBeanCrème Frappuccino中加入一整根新鲜的香蕉,就成了这款口味独特浓郁的香蕉奶油派星冰乐!下次自己带上橙子、西瓜、葡萄……去点一杯全新口味的星冰乐吧!

Starbucks Secret Menu: Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino
This Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino is so creamy and delicious, it tastes just like the real thing!
We’re not going to lie, it’ll cost more than the usual drink, but it’s worth it if you’re a Banana Pie fan! Since it includes a whole banana, this recipe should be ordered in a grande or venti.
Here’s the recipe:
  • Start with a Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino
  • Add Vanilla Syrup (1 pump grande, 1.5 pumps venti)
  • Add Hazelnut Syrup (1 pump grande, 1.5 pumps venti)
  • Add a whole banana and top with whipped cream
       滴漏式咖啡(dripbrew coffee)中加上一份浓缩咖啡(1 shot of espresso)叫Red Eye,加两份叫Black Eye,一般人喝的就这些。如果你喜欢特特特浓的,比Black Eye还浓的怎么办?告诉店员extra3 shots?其实它还有个名字叫Green Eye,有些地方叫Blue Eye,或者Triple Death。是不是这样的咖啡量下去,会让人兴奋到眼冒绿光呢~XD

Starbucks Secret Menu: The Green Eye
Used to getting a red eye or a black eye instead? Try this green eye to give you extra boost, kick and jump start all in one!
Three extra shots of espresso in a regular drip coffee and you’ll be good to go for the morning, the afternoon and the evening!
London Fog 伦敦雾
      简单的“伯爵红茶”(EarlGrey Tea)有一点枯燥?告诉店员加一些香草糖浆和焦糖在里面,一分钟后把茶包拿出来,拌一拌,搅一搅,享受这一杯“伦敦雾”吧!

Starbucks Secret Menu: London Fog
To make your Earl Grey Tea a little less depressing, have your Barista make it a London Fog instead!
Here’s the recipe:
  • Earl grey tea semi dry misto
  • 2 pumps of vanilla syrup
  • 2 pumps of caramel syrup (optional)
Let the tea brew for about a minute then remove tea bag. Stir and enjoy!
Thanks to everyone who sent this drink in! Sounds like it’ll be a hit!
Dirty Chai & Double Dirty 咖啡打扰了茶
       ChaiLatte是一种印度风味特色拿铁,主要有4种材料组成:红茶、牛奶、多种香料以及糖或蜂蜜。如果你要在里面加一份浓缩咖啡,它就成了Dirty Chai;如果加两份,那就是Double Dirty——颇有一种咖啡打扰了茶的意思。

Starbucks Secret Menu: Dirty Chai
Next time you pick up a Chai Latte, hot or cold, make it dirty!
Ask to have a shot of espresso blended in for that extra kick. One not enough? Get a double dirty with 2 shots of espresso.
Apple Juice Orange Blossom 苹果汁橘子花茶
     不喜欢喝咖啡?那就试一试将TazoOrange Blossom Tea加入纯正的苹果汁里面。遗憾的是OrangeBlossom口味的茶包已经不在星巴克出售了,但是热爱饮茶的人们仍然可以点到有全叶的OrangeBlossom茶。

Starbucks Secret Menu: Apple Juice Orange Blossom
**Unfortunately, this bagged tea is no longer available in store as it has been discontinued, but avid tea drinkers can order the  full leaf tea from the Starbucks storefor a homemade treat.
Not a coffee fan? Try Starbuck’s Tazo Orange Blossom Tea steeped in steamed apple juice instead of water. It’s a tasty treat for tea lovers.
Zebra Mocha 斑马摩卡
       它有时候也叫企鹅摩卡(Penguin Mocha),Black Tux,或者大理石摩卡(Marble Mocha)。它是一般的摩卡加上白巧克力摩卡,黑白相间,所以才叫斑马?

Starbucks Secret Menu: Zebra or Tuxedo Mocha Frappuccino
Want the best of both worlds? Or can’t make up your mind between white chocolate or dark chocolate? Try a tuxedo mocha beverage for a twist on this classic!
Here’s the recipe:
  • Order a mocha, hot or cold
  • made with half white chocolate and half regular
  • Add java chips and you have yourself a Zebra!
Captain Crunch/Crunch Berry Frappuccino
     CaptainCrunch不是国外有名的那个早餐麦片,而是星巴克常规饮品Strawberries and CremeFrappuccino加上榛子糖浆(hazelnut syrup)。

Starbucks Secret Menu:Captain Crunch aka Cap’n Crunch Frappuccino
If you’re a fan of Cap’n Crunch cereal, you’re in for a treat!
This taste a like Frappuccino is berry delicious, just like it’s morning breakfast counterpart!
Here’s the recipe:
  • Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino
  • Add caramel syrup (1/2 pump for a tall, 1 pump for grande, 1.5 pumps for venti)
  • Add toffee syrup (1 pump tall, 1.5 pumps grande, 2 pumps venti)
  • Add hazelnut syrup (1/2 pump for a tall, 1 pump for grande, 1.5 pumps for venti)
  • Optional: Add java chips if you want some crunch
Bootleg Brulee 秘制布蕾
Starbucks Secret Menu:Bootleg Brulee
white mocha plus two shots, toffee nut syrup and caramel drizzle
Marble Mocha Macchiato 大理石摩卡玛奇朵
Starbucks Secret Menu:Marble Mocha Macchiato
  • 8 ounces milk
  • 2 tablespoons white chocolate syrup
  • 1 fluid ounce brewed espresso
  • 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup (Hersheys)
Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino 肉桂卷星冰乐
       如果喜欢新鲜烘焙的肉桂卷,那你也一定喜欢这道肉桂卷星冰乐!这道饮品将VanillaBean Creme Frappuccino与肉桂糖浆融合,味道妙不可言!
Starbucks Secret Menu: Cinnamon Roll Frappuccino
We love freshly baked cinnamon rolls, and freshly blended cinnamon roll frappuccinos!
Try this combination for a treat that tastes just like the real thing.
Here’s the recipe:
  • Vanilla Bean Frappuccino
  • Add white mocha syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 for grande, 3 for venti)
  • Add cinnamon dolce syrup (1 pump for a tall, 2 for grande, 3 for venti)
  • Top with cinnamon dolce powder



参与人数 2龙威 +2 菲龙币 +10 收起 理由
.yy + 5 很给力!
菲龙网编辑部7 + 2 + 5 优秀帖



Anonymous 发表于 2014-3-25 15:22 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
.yy 发表于 2014-3-25 12:44



差评!  发表于 2014-3-26 12:56
拿破仑 发表于 2014-3-25 08:03 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
Marie 发表于 2014-3-25 09:53 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
谢谢分享,之前也有听过黑森林口味的,还有在greentea frappuccino 内加 espresso 也不错
Tanya′ 发表于 2014-3-25 11:49 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
哇塞 好神奇 来去试试  呵呵~


.yy 发表于 2014-3-25 12:44 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
明日之光 发表于 2014-3-26 10:06 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾
.yy 发表于 2014-3-25 12:44

XinFangXiang 发表于 2014-3-28 21:42 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 香港
哇, 过来看看……
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