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SPARC Properties & Realty Corporation, a premier real estate developer established in the Philippines, specializes in the development of residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties in the city of Paranaque. Whether you are embarking on a career journey or seeking to elevate your professional standing, join us at the 3rd Fil-Chi Job Fair in Manila on July 13th and 14th, 2024, to explore a future full of potential with SPARC Properties & Realty Corporation.

SPARC Properties & Realty Corporation 是一家成立于菲律宾的顶级房地产开发商,专门在帕拉纳克市开发住宅、商业和综合用途物业。无论您是想开启职业生涯还是提升职业水平,欢迎在2024年7月13日和14日的第三届菲律宾华人线下招聘会上,与SPARC Properties & Realty Corporation一起探索充满潜力的未来。

1f4c5.png.jpg July 13-14, 2024 (Saturday-Sunday)
1f4cd.png.jpg SMX Convention Center Manila
1f517.png.jpg For inquiries, contact us at 0966 637 6696 or [email protected]

EXHIBIT WITH US: contact us at 0966 637 6696 or email [email protected]

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