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Encount ForeignConsultancy 大家可直接简称EFConsultancy ,我们提供便利的各项服务。 专业办理护照 ...

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时间:2013-12-4 06:10 0 3077 | 复制链接 |


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[label]所属讯牌:[/label]  {brandinfo}
[label]商讯分类:[/label] 旅行社

我们在这里提供一个9a 旅游签延期的收费方案,我们将能够协助您的旅游签证延期(9a)。在完成签证延期后,你将会收到材料如下:
1. 身份卡(I-Card ACR)
2. 在你的护照上签证页(现在会盖章在签证纸申请表上,你必须保存好你的签证申请表格)

1. 护照原件(申请人的地址,申请人在国外的地址,联络电话号码)
2. 申请人的身高,体重,菲律宾的地址,地址(这是第一次申请身份卡所需要的信息,身份卡有效期是一年). 处理时间为1天(如果申请身份份需要应用会花费一个星期),该费用将取决于你的签证内容的。

第一个月延期,      P4,300
第二–第五个月延期  P2,330
第六或第七个月的延期p3740(2330 + 1410,1410 居住证/临时访客)
第八-第十六个月 延期p2330
身份卡申请费用是50美元,加上PHP 500 申请费用(有效期为一年,请保存好),
由于美元汇率每天都在改变,我们通常需要PHP 3000 身份I卡申请费。


Dear Mr./Mrs.:
We are here to submit an interesting proposal plan wherein we will be able to assist you with your Tourist Visa Extension(9A). Upon completing the application, You will be able to have the following :
1.I – card (ACR)
2.Stamp in your passport as valued visa (as of now it will be stamped in the receipt paper or application form, you will have to keep your receipt paper or
application form as valued visa)

*For the process, we will gather all the requirements needed as following :
1. Original passport (Applicant’s Address in ph, Applicants address on broad, contact number If possible, Its necessary but not required)
2. Applicants height, Weight, Philippines address, Foreign Address( For I – card Application only)
The processing time will be 1 day ( If there is an I – card application it wil take around
a week ) and the fee will be depending on your vsia status.

For more information
please see the extension fee table blow:
1st time extensions,  P4, 300
2nd – 5th extensions P2,330
6th or 7th extension P3,740 ( 2330 + 1410 , 1410 is for CRTV , Certificate of Residence for Temporary Visitor)
8th -16th extensions P2,330
I - card application fee is 50 U.S. Dollars plus PHP 500 for each application,
Due to the dollar rates changes everyday, We are usually requiring PHP 3,000 as total I – card Application fee.
And it will take more or less one week (7 working days)for processing. (This can only be done during extensions )
If the extension is done during annual report duration, PHP 310 will be added for each extension.
For every extension, P500 Service charge is added for our service.
The Payment will be made before extension and fully.
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