
[健康养生] 新型冠状病毒离开人体后还能存活吗?如何才能消灭病毒?

时间:2020-4-13 12:22 0 3667 | 复制链接 |


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More than 850,000 people have infected the novel coronavirus worldwide, and the rapidly increasing number of confirmed cases shows the terrible infectivity of the virus.


The main route of transmission of the virus is droplet transmission. The pathogens are secreted by infectious agents through droplets from coughing, sneezing, and conversation, which make the susceptible persons inhaled and infected.


Droplets generally cannot float in the air, they will stick to objects or land on the ground after being sprayed. Can these viruses survive outside the humans? How long can them survive?


The novel coroningavirus do not die immediately after leaving the body. Living viruses are a potential risk. In addition to waiting for its natural death, what other effective means can eliminate the virus? Today we will introduce three disinfection methods.


Medical alcohol/医用酒精

75% concentration works best, widely used and cheap.


According to China's "Diagnosisand treatment program of novel coronaviral pneumonia  (trial version 5)", 75% medical alcohol can effectively inactivate the virus. As for the concentration, it isrecommended to purchase commercial medical alcohol directly, and it is difficult to master the concentration by oneself.


Operation mode/操作方式

You can use it directly after getting it. It is widely used in a varietyof daily necessities, such as mobile phones, remote controls, computerkeyboards and various electrical switches and buttons.


1.Do not use alcohol for a large area, such as the corridor,conference room, office, etc. are not allowed to use alcohol to spray.

2.Do not smoke while using alcohol.

3.Do not disinfecting clothing with spraying alcohol. It may burn ifexposed to open flames or static electricity.

4.When disinfecting with alcohol ventilation is needed and away from hot objects.No cooking, making phonecalls, smoking, using electric mosquito pats while using alcohol disinfectionin high concentration.

5.When disinfecting the surface of the electrical appliances and thestove, it is necessary to turn off the power supply and fire source first, andto cool the electric appliances and the stove before wiping with alcohol.

6.Store alcohol carefully and keep it out of reach of children.


84 disinfectant/84消毒液

Bactericidal ability is strong but  irritanting and corrosive.


84 disinfectant is a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and sodium chloride.Sodium hypochlorite and hypochlorous acid are strong oxidizer. They can killbacteria and viruses and has a strong corrosive to human cells.


Operation method/操作方法

Use after dilution. Check the instructions before use, dilute asrequired, and wear gloves for protection. Widely used for disinfection of generalobject surface, floor, white fabric, public areas and other places.


1.84 disinfectant can not be mixed with vinegar, toilet cleaningspirit, washing powder, soda powder.Mixing can produce large amounts ofchlorine gas which results in poisoning.

2.Before disinfection, wear a mask and gloves to avoid thedisinfectant corrosion, irritation of the skin and respiratory mucosa.

3.Wash hands with water to avoid disinfectant residue afterdisinfection.

4.Due to the function of bleaching and fading, 84 disinfectant can notbe used for the disinfection of silk, wool, nylon, leather, color fabric andother articles.


Physical disinfection/物理消毒

High temperature and ultraviolet ray also can disinfect, be carefulduring the operation.


2019-nCoV is sensitive to ultraviolet and heat, so high temperature andultraviolet lamp can be used for disinfection.


High temperature disinfection/高温消毒

It needs to be maintained at 56℃ for more than 30 minutes before thevirus can be effectively inactivated. For heat-resistant items, such astableware, toys, bottles and other items, you can disinfect them by boiling inhot water.

需要维持 56℃ 达 30 分钟以上,才可有效灭活,两个条件缺一不可。对于耐热物品,比如餐具、玩具、奶瓶等物品,可以采用热水煮沸的方式消毒。

Taking a hot bath, sauna, blowing hot air conditioning, turning on fullheating, etc., the temperature can not reach the disinfection requirement so itis impossible to inactivate virus. If the water temperature is too high and donot pay attention, it may cause burns and other conditions.


Ultraviolet disinfection/紫外线消毒

If rely on sunshine only, ultraviolet intensity is insufficient and withno disinfection effect .Ultraviolet lamp, what need to notice is that medicaltreatment and household ultraviolet lamp have distinction on the effect. Theroom area that home ultraviolet lamp can disinfect effectively is determined bythe specific instructions. Even withgood disinfection effect, ultravioletlamp is not recommended for  commonpeople to use at home due to caution in the operation.


1.Ultraviolet disinfection lamp, must be used in the room withoutpeople and pets.

2.When using ultraviolet disinfection lamp, must follow a principle personout when the light on, turn off the light before person enters . Once turnon the light, leave the room quickly.

3.ventilation for at least 30 minutes after completion ofdisinfection.


In addition to the above disinfection measures, frequent hand washing, regular ventilation, less going out, no gathering, and wearing a mask are the most effective means of protection. Insist on doing these things, the epidemic  will be brought under control as soon as possible!


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