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本帖最后由 mickeygi 于 2021-11-7 20:28 编辑
很少对菲菲那么气,吐下苦水。我是做餐饮的,店里有个40几岁的菲菲在这里干了已经三年多,一直以来工资都是550 大节日有上班就双薪。对小菲菲也算是很好了,不骂不喊,纸板废料随你卖,有时还请请下午茶,生日的话有时给煮面帮庆生。然后,今天星期日发工资,11月1号我们没上班,她问我11月1号不是应该算工资吗,我说没有,有上班的话才双薪。她脸就直接很臭嘀嘀咕咕的说不是应该给吗,政府规定的应该给的,摆了一幅臭脸给我就回去了。我当tm是家人,她当我是傻逼,真的是得寸进尺。不是说给不给钱的问题,几百p无所谓,就她那个态度,脸上就是一幅你欠她几百万的样子。我来菲也有小十年了,第一次那么气,我也被小菲告过,都没有这么气,气的我晚上都吃不下。
For Special (Non-Working) Holidays November 1 and 2:
If an employee did not work, the “no work, no pay” principle shall apply unless there is a favorable company policy, practice, or collective bargaining agreement (CBA) granting payment on a special day.
For work done during the special day, the workers shall be paid an additional 30 percent of their daily rate on the first eight (8) hours of work. The Daily Rate x 130 percent plus COLA scheme will be observed.
For work done in excess of eight (8) hours (overtime work), the workers will be paid an additional 30 percent of their hourly rate on said day. The computation will be: hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 130 percent x 130 percent x number of hours worked.