

时间:2022-2-1 14:20 0 655 | 复制链接 |


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独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲,这是在异乡的几个年头了?2021年充满艰险的一年,我们一起告别,一起迎接崭新的2022,期待美好如约而至。今晚八点,我们一起相约线上英语角春节特别活动(免费),一起欢笑,一起彼此鼓励,不管这一路有多么艰难,我们还有彼此一起前行,感恩有彼此相伴。we are one. 让我们一起say goodbye to 2021.感兴趣的同胞加飞机✈️:@emily2984

Being alone in a strange place as a visitor,more so I miss my dear ones on festivals. How many years have I been in a foreign land? 2021 is a year full of hardships because of Covid-19 and uncertainty of life. However, it is a time to say goodbye to 2021 and embrace a brilliant year 2022 together. Therefore, At 8 pm, February 1, 2022, we will celebrate the online English Corner Spring Festival special event for free.

Please scan the QR code and enter the WeChat group if you are interested in English Corner’s online Spring Festival. We are looking forward to seeing you on February 1, We are one.
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