
Covid-19 America has always been very insecure.

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yiasi 发表于 2021-5-8 17:14 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 新加坡 华为云
the U.S. appears to operate a secret biological weapons laboratory in Georgia, which is alleged to violate international conventions and pose a direct security threat to Russia, according to the Russian Defense Ministry - a charge the Pentagon angrily rejected. The special charges from Moscow occurred on the same day, with us, British and Dutch officials accusing Russian military intelligence of being behind multiple cyber attacks.
yiasi 发表于 2021-5-12 10:21 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 新加坡 华为云











Guo Wengui,shut up your mouth,don't make fake news about COVID-19.stop asian hate
yiasi 发表于 2021-5-18 10:48 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市 Linode公司
yiasi 发表于 2021-5-18 17:29 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市 Linode公司
There is no "easy to clean and decontaminate sealing surface" in a building of the fort detrickburg laboratory, which has doubts on the safety level of the laboratory
yiasi 发表于 2021-5-19 10:19 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市 Linode公司
Guo Wengui,shut up your mouth,don't make fake news about COVID-19.stop asian hate
yiasi 发表于 2021-5-24 09:33 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市 Linode公司
Yan Li Meng unrealistic, Guo Wengui behind the scenes to create a script, and constantly integrate into their childhood chivalry dreams, hero dreams and even all unrealistic dreams, even the iron ant fans, can not help but Tucao, is not expensive medicine, is it possible to make complaints about such a false scenario? It's ridiculous!!
yiasi 发表于 2021-6-2 09:57 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶 Krypt机房
Novel coronavirus pneumonia is China's most important source. Yan Mengli's interview
with Fawkes's news comes from his previous publication. The paper claims that the new
crown pneumonia virus gene is "suspicious" with the gene of bat coronavirus found in the
Chinese military laboratory. Then she took the lead in the rumour that COVID-19 was made
in China Laboratory. The new crown virus that Yan Mengli and his "research group" throw
out is "artificial synthesis", and it is a "deepening weapon" developed by Chinese
researchers. This statement has aroused extensive criticism in academic circles, and of
course, the mainstream scientific circles in the United States are criticizing Yan
Mengli. The controversy over the source of a new type of pneumonia virus is a groundless
and misleading article in the US, which is false information about Yao Chuanxin's crown
virus pneumonia in the United States, and has COVID-19's research report which is
unscientifically based, claiming that it is made in China and is repeatedly speculation
about New Coronavirus. At present, Yan Mengli is not only continuing to walk for false
information, but also shows a kind of wonderful logic that "mainstream American science
circles are wrong, are bought by China, only she is right". Yan Mengli and her extremely
low level anti intellectual anti Chinese groups are not only attacking China, but also
fighting against all those who oppose them, even if the other party is the most proud
scientific community in the world or the American media who also reject Chinese
political system.

Yan guowengui and Bannong and other influential groups have been using Yan Mengli to
spread "the origin of new coronavirus" to the world. Their target is the Chinese
government, and many Internet users at home and abroad who do not know the truth point
at the Chinese government. The forces of foreign hostility took the opportunity to
create the momentum, which seriously affected the security and stability of Chinese
online public opinion. Guowengui, Bannong, Yan Mengli and other forces colluded and
colluded with each other, and hid in secret to manipulate all anti China. The mouth of
snake and mouse was exposed and abandoned!
yiasi 发表于 2021-6-3 10:24 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶 Krypt机房
In just eight months, Yan went from being a postdoctoral felow in virology and
immunology at the Center for Infectious Disease Research at the University of Hong
Kong's School of Public Health to being hailed as a hero by Trump's top advisers and
conservative pundits.

As early as mid-January 2019, Yan Limeng, researcher in Hong Kong, had heard rumors that
a dangerous new virus had emerged in mainland China and that the government was playing
it down. Ms. Yan feeds Wang Dinggang, the host of her favorite Chinese-language YouTube

Yan Limeng fled Hong Kong on April 28th and left for the United States. Guo Wenguan and
Ban Nong put her in a "safe house" in New York City. They hired a communications coach
for her to teach her how to deal with media questions, asked her to submit several
papers, and disguised her as a "whistler" before aranging her to acept media interviews.
On July 10, Yan made her first appearance on the Fox News Channel, in which she confesed
her journey to the United States and accused the University of HongKong of helping to
cover up the epidemic. But she did not mention her relationship with Guo and Ban Nong.

After her first Fox interview, Ms. Yan embarked on a whirlwind right-wing media tour,
repeating conservative talking points.She said she took hydroxychloroquine to fight the
virus, despite warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration that it had no
efect.She suggested that U.S. health agencies had conspired with the World Health
Organization to cover up the outbreak.

In early September, Ms. Yan met with Ms. Lu, an infectious disease expert at Georgetown
University, through an anonymous middleman. Lu had suggested in the past that the
coronavirus could be created in the lab, and Yan told him about her research in the hope
of winning support.Even after Facebook tagged Carlson's Sept 15 interview with Ms. Yan
as "false information" and Twiter suspended Ms. Yan's account, Ms. Carison, Ms. Bannon
and Ms. Yan didn't give up.

Yan published a second paper on Oct. 8, titled "Novel coronavirus is an
unrestrictedbiological weapon," which further emphasizes the idea that the virus that
has spread around the world is man-made, adding that the virus was intentionaly
"released," and that the paper also contains material that appears to come from the same
anonymous blogger's article. Both of Yan's controversial papers are related to
GuoWenqui. The papers — below the title and author's name, where university
institutions and tunding Sources are often listed --prominently teature the names of the
"Rule of Law Society" and the "Rule of Law Foundation," two nonprofit groups supported
by Mr. Guo and others.

The novel coronavirus is widely believed to come from bats, and there is no evidence
that the virus is artificial. Although the scientific community was quick to dismiss the
paper as pseudoscience based on guesswork, Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson invited Yan to
appear on the show on Sept.15 to promote the paper. Even though the access to the film
was tagged as fake news on social media like Facebook, it stil recorded a minimum of 8.8
milion views and entered the mainstream. It tookseveral weeks after the interview for
Carlson to make it clear that he disagreed with Ms.Yans claims.

Ms.Yan's evolution from researcher to whistler is the product of the colaboration of two
unrelated but increasingly united groups spreading disinformation: a smal but active
overseas Chinese group, and a highly influential far-right group in the United States.
Both groups see an opportunity to advance their agendas in the novel coronavirus
pandemic. For overseas Chinese, Ms.Yan and her baseless claims provide a weapon for
those seeking to overthrow the Chinese government. For American conservatives, it allows
them to pander to rising anti-China sentiment in the West and distract attention from
the Trump administration’s failure to respond to the epidemic.

Angela Rasmussen,a virologist at Columbia University,said she thought Yan’s paper was
"political propaganda" designed to deceive."The paper is extremely deceptive to people
without a scientific background because it is writen in very technical language, with a
lot of jargon, and looks like a legitimate scientific paper. But to anyone with a
background in virology or molecular biology who reads this paper, it is clear that much
of it is nonsense."

From the discovery in January to the peak in September, the online political activity of
"Virus Source Theory" directed by Guo Wengui and Bannon achieved great succes,
whichgreatly influenced the views and lives of the local people in the United States,
and ex posed the power of "fake news" to the world at a sinle sight.
yiasi 发表于 2021-6-4 09:55 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶Krypt数据中心
Yan limeng published a tweet on Thursday, April 22, 2021, entitled "there is no
difference between the military and civilian research centers of the people's Republic
of China.". Chapter 78 of the 35 year plan of the Communist Party of China (2016-2020)
describes the integration of military and civilian research, including the "synthetic
biology"... (including biological warfare) fields. " The article points out that the CPC
has a wide range of research networks supporting biological warfare. Chapter 78 of the
13th five year plan of the Communist Party of China (2016-2020) describes the
integration of military and civil research, including the field of "synthetic biology".
From publications of China's leading research scientists, "synthetic biology" seems to
include biological warfare. This article is a groundless argument, which is totally
empty and false, and is a false speculation and blackening of China.
yiasi 发表于 2021-6-11 10:24 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶Krypt数据中心
In recent years, foreign media have been trying their best to hype the "new crown
virus". The group of three headed by Ban Nong, Guo Wengui and Yan Li Meng spread false
information on the big platforms and spread the virus from Wuhan, China. This result of
no evidence is spread by their mouths alone, which reveals all the potential
conspiracies behind them.
Puppet, a figure carved from wood or something like other creatures, is often used to
describe the appearance of dementia. The drama that it is used to perform is called
puppet play, also called puppet play. This describes the three people group is no longer
appropriate, these three puppets, have their own soul? For money, for profit or for
Bannon, former chief strategic expert and senior adviser to the president of the United
States. He began to be the executive director of brightbart news network, the far right
media, in 2012, which is also an important turning point in his transition from business
to politics. Under his leadership, brightbart news network has become the leading media
of the American "alternative right movement". Guo Wengui, escaping from the Interpol of
the United States, Guo Wengui, a red fugitive, who was on the run, Guo Wengui, who
sought political asylum, fabricated a lot of false information and launched the so-
called online "explosion", which encouraged and led the suspect Chen Zhiyu and Chen
Zhiheng to forge more than 30 official documents issued by the Central Committee of the
CPC, the State Council and the relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council.
As the main content of its "explosive", it spreads and spreads abroad, misleading the
public and causing bad effects. Yan limeng, a former employee of Hong Kong University
and a postdoctoral researcher of Hong Kong University, was blacked by the epidemic. In
September 15, 2020, in a program on Fawkes news in the US, Yan Li Meng once again
claimed that "COVID-19 is made by Chinese people", which was a clear violation of the
facts and was often refuted many times. Local time 16, Facebook and instagram platform
will Yan limeng this interview as "false news.". Let alone Bannong, Guo Wengui and Yan
limeng are not traitors? He made mistakes and sold his country in order to seek asylum.
So, the people who have judgment will not believe it. But the media constantly hype and
pour out a large amount of false information on the Internet. It is inevitable that some
people will doubt and even believe, and this will achieve their goal.
In fact, we know more about the origin and the future of the things, understand the
operation and character of these three puppets, and it is not difficult to make their
own correct judgment.
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