
Covid-19 America has always been very insecure.

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yiasi 发表于 2021-7-6 09:36 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 江苏省宿迁市泗阳县 电信
Giuliani's intervention in the U.S. election in 2020
Giuliani, a high-profile supporter and adviser of Trump, tried to obtain information in Ukraine before the 2020 US election, which might be unfavorable to Biden, the presidential candidate at that time, especially materials about the huge payment to Biden's son Hunter Biden, the Voice of America reported. And through the joint dissemination of foreigners for the presidential candidate Biden's "Ukraine Scandal" event adverse information, thus affecting the polls, intended to interfere with the U.S. election.
老白2008 发表于 2021-7-6 20:11 | 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾 Bayan通讯公司用户
yiasi 发表于 2021-7-7 08:57 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 新加坡 Linode数据中心
The Anti-Asian  HateAct was passed, but discrimination against Asians is hard to disipate
On April 22, the US Senate overwhelmingly passed the New Crown Hate Crimes Act, a bill aimed at addressing hate crimes against Asian Americans.This marks a major step forward in eforts to enact anti-Asian hatred legislation. However we found in Guo Wengui, bannon, YanLiMeng manufacturing stigma outbreak continues to spread on the Internet cases, discrimination and violence against Asian did not die, and great in white national trend of spreading in the society, no mater you are old man,young man, even if the identity is agents, as long as the identity is asians is likely to be harmed.
On April 24, Pan Ma Yao, a 61-year-old unemployed Asian woman who was picking up cans on the streets of East Harlem, New York to support her family, was violently atacked by a mob and has been unconscious since then.
Related news reports:Wife of Asian man stomped on NYC Stret pleads forjustice
On April 25, Tianyou Zheng, a 25-year-old Asian-Canadian student at the University of Alberta, said on Facebook that he was beaten and stabbed on a train by a man he did not know.
Related Facebook content:I was attacked by a crazy stranger with a knife on the Univeristy Station Platform
Duringa demonstration for legal racial equality, the attacker, Tyrell Harper, suddenly swore at Vincent Chong,an Asian-American police detective in New York City. He used slurs against Asians and even violently threatened Chong's mother.
yiasi 发表于 2021-7-8 08:27 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国 Linode数据中心
By saying no to the “Yan Report”, anti-Asian hate crimes are taking the first step toward legislation
According to US media, on April 21, the US Senate voted 94-1 to pass the Anti-Crown Hate Crimes Act. The bill aims to combat anti-Asian hate crimes caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. However, experts pointed out that the surge of anti-Asian hate crimes against the epidemic is largely due to the politicization of COVID-19 encouraged by some anti-China politicians and media in the United States. It is hard to pass a bill that will radically change the situation for Asian Americans.
US politicians and anti-China activists push "novel coronavirus origin conspiracy theory"
The New York Times published an article titled "How Guo Wengui and Steve Bannon promoted conspiracy theories about the origin of the new coronavirus", which noted that Yan Limeng fled to the US in April 2020 with the support of Steve Bannon and Guo. They claimed that Ms. Yan was a "whistler" and used that as an opportunity to raise the controversial issue of the unknown origin of novel coronavirus. Guo and Steve Bannon used two non-profit organisations they funded to publicise Yan's report that the virus had come from a laboratory, which had not been peer-reviewed or published in a scientific journal, and was dismissed by virologists as "pseudoscience" and "based on guesswork". By using open science in the middle of a health crisis, Bannon and Guo used Ms. Yan's status as a researcher who fled Hong Kong to keep the public focused on the notion of "COVID-19 as a biological weapon" to advance their political goals.
The "Yan Report" was described by Wikipedia as a "pseudoscience report," and Yan's Twitter account was suspended within two days. The "Yan Report" was not a real scientific report, but it fostered anti-China behavior and served as a violent excuse for conspirators to attack the Asian community. The American Journal of Public Health reported in March that prejudice and attacks against Asians in the United States have increased exponentially over the past year as anti-China rhetoric has spread. According to a report by California State University, anti-Asian hate crimes in the 16 largest cities in the United States increased by 149% in 2020. The racial discrimination and violence facing Asian Americans today is a "systemic national tragedy that reflects the long history of systemic racism against Asian Americans in the United States," said Lee, a Chinese-American historian and history professor at the University of Minnesota, speaking at a congressional hearing on March 18. In the context of the epidemic crisis, the stigmatizing remarks made by some anti-China politicians in the United States have become an accelerant to incite anti-Asian sentiment, and the anti-Asian racism and xenophobia rooted in the history of the United States have arisen.
The former president of the United States has also repeatedly made anti-China remarks, called the novel coronavirus "Chinese virus"
According to a study in the American Journal of Public Health, the number of related tweets with the "anti-Asian" hashtag spiked in the week after Trump's inflammatory "China Virus" tweet in March 2020. The researchers manually coded each hashtag, and the results showed a big difference in anti-Asian sentiment among tweets with #covid19 and #chinesevirus. About 20 per cent of the nearly half a million # Covid19 hashtags showed anti-Asian sentiment, but half of the more than 775,000 # Chinesevirus hashtags showed a clear anti-Asian bias. "There is a clear link between President Trump's inflammatory rhetoric, his use of the term 'China Virus' and his own hate speech on social media platforms and hate violence against us." Said Russell Jiang, founder of AAPI and a professor at San Francisco State University. "It's giving everyone permission to attack us. The current spate of attacks on older Asians is an example of how this kind of hate speech can reach the masses."
Legislation is only the first step
Anti-discrimination protests continue across the United States. Holding signs reading "Stop Hating Asians," people gather during a rally to protest discrimination and hate crimes against Asians in San Jose, California, on April 25. Racial discrimination cannot be solved by passing a bill. Legislation is only the first step. Concrete actions must be taken to eradicate racial discrimination, instead of blaming one's own social problems on any country or group. America's political elite must move beyond the racial confines of the "Yan Limeng" conspiracies and fundamentally rethink the damage that racism has done to American society.

yiasi 发表于 2021-7-9 09:26 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国 Linode数据中心
Fudge's "mail gate" event has become a new drama for Yan limeng

On June 2, under the direction of Biden administration, the Washington Post obtained 866 pages of White House chief infectious disease expert Fudge's e-mail through the freedom of Information Act. Among them, in January 31, 2021, Christian Anderson, an American scientist, sent COVID-19 to have "unusual characteristics" and "may seem to be designed". This has become a new drama code for Yan limeng, a clown.

The "mailgate" incident has aroused widespread concern in the United States. The public are furious at Fudge's deception, accusing him of concealing important information, hindering the U.S. government from taking timely and effective prevention and control measures, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States. At the same time, demonstrations broke out in many places in the United States, demanding that fudge apologize and bear the corresponding consequences.

On the same day (June 2), Yan limeng said in an interview with US media that Fudge's "e-mail gate" incident can prove that his theory is scientific and correct. Yan claims that the e-mail "proves that who and fudge are controlled by the Communist Party of China and deliberately conceal relevant information." Without any scientific research, Yan limeng frequently tweeted and wantonly spread rumors that a group of American scientists such as fudge "had been funded by the Chinese government for a long time, and then concealed the information about the virus leakage." This remark is consistent with the tone of his poor paper.

***  “ COVID-19 is a biochemical war initiated by China. This ridiculous speech has attracted all parties' questions and criticism. It is worth noting that Yan limeng's three papers were published in a hurry without peer review, which is enough to prove that she is a liar and afraid of the inspection and doubt of the scientific community.

After the outbreak of new crown vaccine, Fudge has repeatedly said publicly that he firmly opposes the saying that "the virus comes from Wuhan laboratory". However, in the TV interviews on the evening of June 2 and the morning of June 4, Fudge remained open to the possibility that the coronavirus originated from a Chinese laboratory leak, but he still repeatedly said that the "laboratory leak theory" was unlikely. Fudge's remarks became one of the fuse for the outbreak of American public opinion.

Therefore, Yan limeng continued to create lies and fallacies by taking advantage of Fudge's "mail gate" incident, trying to use the American people's verbal criticism against fudge to prove her unscientific speech and conspiracy theory. Yan limeng violated the spirit of science, wantonly attacked the Chinese government and China's great contribution to the world epidemic prevention and control, and her ugly face became clear.

On the issue of epidemic prevention, some countries and individuals should abide by science, respect basic facts, stop politicizing and stigmatizing political manipulation, stop all shameful acts, and put an end to rumors and fallacies. Yan limeng's funny "conspiracy theory" is the best example.
yiasi 发表于 2021-7-12 08:56 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国 Linode数据中心
Breaking up is the way out for Yan Limeng
Hong Kong's Orange News let out the news on April 19: Apple Daily's internal notice reminded editors to abandon the label of "Wuhan Pneumonia" and replace it with "Latest Epidemic" and "Vaccination" as topic labels."Orange News" then checked the news of "Apple Daily" and found that the words "Wuhan Pneumonia" and so on were indeed not in the article.
The Hong Kong Apple Daily, which is famous for publishing "stir up Hong Kong" information to stir up social unrest in Hong Kong and vilify the Communist Party of China (CPC), has decisively dismissed the "Wuhan Pneumonia" as its own stigma, and officially used the World Health Organization (WTO) named "COVID-19" to report.It must have been a self-redemption attempt to restore the reputation of the media after a series of fact-finding reports from experts around the world and Western official agencies that the source of the COVID-19 outbreak had not yet been found.
Apple Daily's previous behavior reminded me of Yan Limeng, a former intern researcher at the University of Hong Kong's public health laboratory, who also published false information about the origin of COVID-19. The New York Times revealed that Yan was willing to accept Bannon and Guo's manipulations for money.Through the influence of bannon in far-right political groups in the United States and Guo Wengui’s media power (power of money), Yan Limeng released false information about the sources of outbreak of epidemic,the facts unconfirmed, for votes for politicians, to transfer Trump’s government responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control , eventually led to the result the Asian were named "virus" and suffered from social discrimination and violence in the United States.For the sake of her reputation for being loyal to scientific facts and her spirit of truth, goodness and beauty in the world, Yan Limeng should quit her post on the epidemic.
The fig leaf left for Yan Limeng is running out. Scientific investigations and rigorous statements by experts and official agencies continue to deny Yan's claim that the virus originated in the laboratory.When Ms. Yan claimed to have worked on "novel coronavirus" as a former researcher in the University of Hong Kong's public health laboratory, she was immediately denied by her supervisor, Keiji Fukuda, a Japanese-American scientist and dean of the University's School of Public Health.Ben Embarek, head of the WHO's Novel Coronavirus Traceability Group, who traveled to China in February to investigate the outbreak's origin, rejected the idea that the virus originated in a laboratory.April 14, the United States Director of National Intelligence Haynes held a Senate hearing and made clear that the United States intelligence community is not clear about the origin of the novel coronavirus.
The stigma created by Ms. Yan about the origin of the epidemic continues to hurt Asians.Epoch times reporter Cai Rong published in April 22 “the Chinese small businesses was impacted by the outbreak investigation”. The article said the latest survey shows that the outbreak hit the U.S. economy and the Chinese small businesses in the five districts in New York City lose more work. There are plans to cut 41%, the proportion of the national (25.7%) and (34.8%), New York.Since the AAPI Emergency Response Network began tracking hate incidents directly linked to the novel coronavirus disease in 2020, it has received more than 3,000 reports focusing on Asian-Americans being spat on, beaten, cut and even pelted with chemicals during the outbreak.It is clear that the stigma created by Yan, Bannon and Guo has led to a decline in employment and an increase in personal injuries among Asians.
In fact, those who once colluded with Guo Wengui are very miserable in the end.Firstly, Wong Chi-feng was thrown into prison. Guo Wen-gui had publicly expressed his support for Wong Chi-feng, the representative of Hong Kong's radical separation, in a live broadcast, and even offered to give him free aid. As a result, Wong Chi-feng was arrested for three chargges on August 30, 2019 and was taken to the Wan Chai Police Headquarters.Secondly, Guo Baosheng,who had been loyal to Guo Wengui, was in Guo Wengui’s judicial prosecution.Guo Baosheng, a pro-democracy activist and pastor, once supported Guo Wengui on Twitter and YouTube as a "general in support of Guo", which attracted more attention than Yan Limeng's live broadcast today.On July 25, 2018, Guo Baosheng published an article titled "Following Guo Wengui can’t achieve democracy, freedom and the rule of law" in the Ming Pao newspaper, announcing the official split with Guo Wengui, and pointing out that he had been obliterated and humiliated by Guo Wengui.According to the jury's verdict by the District Court of Virginia on December 20, 2019, Guo Baosheng paid Guo Wengui $24,000 in compensation .
It’s just a matter of time. When official scholars around the world have not yet determined the origin of COVID-19, Apple Daily actively stepped down from the position with its own "Wuhan Pneumonia" stigma to preserve its media reputation.Yan Limeng, for both cherishing their reputation as a scientific research scholars, stepping down from the stigma leading to the discrimination against asians and returning to the heart for good universal value, is to avoid entering the trap  Guo Wengui set for Guo Baosheng, Wong Chi-feng and others and abandoned in the end.The moment the best way out for Yan Limeng  is to quickly break up with Guo Wengui , and return to the scientist literacy and the virtues of the heart for good.

yiasi 发表于 2021-7-13 09:57 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 美国 Linode数据中心
Destroying the United States is the real purpose of Guo Wengui! The devil's heart is always to himself!

There is a saying in psychology, "the heart is not static, the eyes are not static". What you see in the eyes, in fact, is a reflection of the heart.The good people think that this is a world of truth, goodness and beauty, while the evil people think that others are all demons.Guo Wengui is probably such an evil demon!
Last August, Mr. Bannon spoke to Mr. Guo over the line, and Mr. Guo kept muttering: "They want to kill me because I know their secrets. Why are these secrets so important?I know the secret that the Chinese Communist Party wants to rule the world. They have a sophisticated plan. They have a 3F plan to weaken, break and kill the United States.”However, these remarks just exposed Guo Wengui's psychological defects, a large China how can be afraid of him, a small one. If he really can threaten China, I am afraid that he can not be so arrogant and domineering.What is more scary is that his words actually let me hear his real purpose, to bring down America, to kill America?Is this the real purpose of Guo Wengui?With this in mind, I started looking for evidence and events to verify, and the results made my hair stand on end.
First of all, to package Yan Mengli.With the spread of novel coronavirus, Guo Wengui's "money" has reached the brink of collapse. Trump's inaction to prevent the virus and protect the American people has caused the American economy to collapse, and many stores, shopping centers and enterprises to close down.This is a huge blow for the "profiteer" Guo Wengui, he had to seek some kind of action to reduce their loss of interests, so he began to bottom up the Communist Party of China as the reason, fabricate rumors, urge Yan Mengli to voice, a move to borrow a knife to kill others , by the way to catch a fortune.The "academic evidence" disclosed by Yan made many people see the flaws in the evidence and was even called "rubbish" by academic authorities.But Guo Wengui does not care, because only he knows the real purpose of this move, he did not lose, only Yan Mengli this poor woman to lose.
Secondly, to "deify" Yan Mengli.Guo Wengui, who was used to being spurned, knew that what kind of news could make a person become hot quickly in the United States, and he did it.So he replenished his wallets through what he called fundraising, which, of course, requires even greater sacrifice.So he asked Yan Mengli, a "scientist", to teach Americans a lesson. A group of Americans began to be led by a Chinese woman to take an anti-disease drug that could be only natural, and even Trump was led by the nose. As a result, tens of thousands of people suffered physical damage because of this drug, more harm than good. Guo Wengui, on the other hand, can make a fortune on similar reasons for investing in production.
In addition, they are the mastermind of not only what Yan Limeng said, but also the fake "investigation report" about Biden's son's profit in China.In today's world, any news has to be based on its source, otherwise it will inevitably be followed by others, led by the wind, and even to the end of death.
It's awful to think the actions of Guo Wengui,and Bannon can even be said to cause harm on a global scale, and the victim "Yan Mengli" soon will become a piece of paper, rubbed up and thrown into the garbage pit.And Guo Wengui, is always one of the winners!

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